Find your voiceWhen Lorrie Rivers was half-a-dozen years old she sat on behemoth rocks in a small whispering brook in the mountains and sang to the leaves and even then they applauded. Seasons have changed but the applause hasn't, with a background in jazz and classical, Lorrie has emerged from a contemplative forest with rich, cinematic and diverse sound.
She has sung for beautiful people in restaurants and smoky clubs, and for comedian ANT (who is not, in fact, an ant) and for President Obama. She has sung solo and was the white in the Oreo for R-E-S-P-E-C-T at one of the inaugural balls for President Obama in Washington, D.C. Lorrie has written and recorded two CD’s – "Bewitched" and "Maya’s Big Vermilion" weaving the show around a meditation on hidden things. That show, Maya’s Big Vermilion, drew over 500 people and was voted one of “The Top Five Best Concerts” by The State Newspaper along with Band of Horses and Tom Petty. Lorrie Rivers' new album "Hey! Moon!" debuts November 2014, she will be playing live shows and releasing exclusive content on each full moon between now and then. |